Logo Pohltherapie - medikamentenfreie Schmerzbehandlung Heidelberg


Dr. Helga Pohl

„Unerklärliche Beschwerden?"

Chronische Schmerzen und andere Leiden körpertherapeutisch verstehen & behandeln  |  Knaur-Verlag 2010

Written in an entertaining style, Dr. Helga Pohl explains the path from her own suffering to the Pohltherapy® she has developed and its use and effect using many examples and real case descriptions.
Available in German only
Buchtitel "Unerklärliche Beschwerden" Dr. Helga Pohl

Renate Bruckmann

Unter der Gürtellinie:

Unerklärliche Beschwerden im urogenitalen Bereich körpertherapeutisch verstehen und behandeln |  Knaur-Verlag 2020

The experienced Pohltherapist Renate Bruckmann gives specific advice and tips for self-help for treating body dysfunction in men and women. Problems are very often based on tension inside and outside the pelvis, which arise from everyday habits. In many case studies, she describes how these taboo discomforts can be treated with Pohltherapy®.
Available in German only
Buchtitel "Unter der Gürtellinie" Renate Bruckmann

Thomas Hanna


Reawakening The Mind’s Control Of Movement, Flexibility, And Health |  Da Capo Press, 2004

Building on the foundation laid by Moshe Feldenkrais, Thomas Hanna's groundbreaking work completely redefines the body's potential for withstanding decline. His gentle program for the mind and body proves once and for all that so many problems we accept as inevitable over time -- chronic stiffness, bad back, chronic pain, fatigue, and, at times, even high blood pressure -- need never occur if we maintain conscious control of nerve and muscle, replacing Sensory-Motor Amnesia with Sensory-Motor Awareness. The good news of Somatic Exercise is that most people simply do not have to become captives of age or injury. Once learned, this lifelong program can help almost anyone maintain the pleasures of a supple, healthy body indefinitely, with only a five-minute routine once a day.
Book Cover Thomas Hanna: Somatics